Sneak Peek Preview Charm
Description: Collins Sneak Peek Preview sets allow you to view fabric through a window template. Use it to mark seam allowances and cutting lines, or stitching lines for hand piecing. The Red surface filters out color in order to check light, medium and dark values for contrast in a quilt design. Convenient size for classes and fabric shopping. Hangs from a metal beaded loop for easy flipping! 5 Charm Shapes- Hexagon, triangle, diamond, and more! 4"x 7"
Up for sale is a new handy purse size set of charm shape templates by Dritz Quilting.
These are terrific to take to the store when shopping for fabrics to envision how they will appear when sewn in a block. These shapes can be used to mark fabric for cutting, or to experiment with the light and dark values of the fabric.
The 5 preview templates are: 3"tumbler, 3"hexagon, 4 1/2"diamond, 3"equilateral triangle, and a 4"apple core.